the road less traveled - a story i'd read

i figure in a day and time saturated with crappy reality shows, my life is as good as any... here goes.
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Just wanted to take a quick moment to update you all on my brief encounter with the Korean medical system, specifically Severance Hospital. First, I'll note that Yonsei's Severance Hospital was recently internationally accredited as a medical school and training center, Severance has also been responsible for assisting the White House Physician during several recent US Presidential visits, I know this because there were certificates of appreciation on the walls!. (just an FYI).

So on to my experience. For one reason or another, I found myself needing the services of the hospital for an x-ray of my hand. (I won't go into the boring details surrounding the incident that caused the need for the x-ray). So I head into the International Clinic at about 1:30PM and fill out the preliminary paper work and notified the staff that I DID NOT have any Korean insurance. They told me that walk in hours began at 2:00PM and I could wait or grab something to eat, I chose the latter. I came back in about thirty minuets later and was promptly taken to have my blood pressure and temperature read. Moments later I was in an examination room meeting with an intern who said the lead Dr. would be in shortly. Within minutes the head Dr. came in and after pressing on my hand thought I might have a "boxer's fracture" and sent me to radiology. The clinic provided me with a translator and guide to help me on my journey.

We walked over to the pay station where I grabbed a number. About 2 mins later I was asked to pay $121 for my visit, consultation and x-ray charge. Good deal. From there we walked over to radiology where I took another number. My guide told me to wait until I say my number above the x-ray room (mine was #29) and then just go in. About 2 mins later my number popped up so I walked in. I was greeted by 2 x-ray techs who looked the my receipt and took two x-rays. They told me I was done and to report back downstairs to the clinic. When I got back down stairs I was guided back into my examination room. The intern walked in seconds later and typed my information on the computer. My x-rays pulled up along with a comment stating that there were no abnormalities. She said she thought my hand was fine and that I likely bruised my knuckle. I waited for about 15 mins until the head Dr. came in. He agreed with the intern's assessment and prescribed anti-inflammatory. I was taken back out to the front desk where I paid $27 for my prescription and then walked over to the Outpatient Pharmacy where I was told to watch a monitor for my name. 6 minutes later my name popped up, I walked over, handed my receipt and took my pills.

Perhaps the US could learn a thing or two from the Korean health care system?

In total my visit lasted about an hour (including my lunch) and my total bill was $147 INCLUDING the XRAY, without any insurance coverage. Not a bad deal.

*I don't have time to post the play by play pictures.. but I'll try to have them up in the next day or two...*

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