the road less traveled - a story i'd read

i figure in a day and time saturated with crappy reality shows, my life is as good as any... here goes.
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What can I say... it's probably the biggest sporting event(s) in Seoul.  Tens of thousands of crazed college students, dozens of cheerleaders, pyrotechnics, free beer, free food, choreographed school dances, and 5 sporting events spread across two days.  It's called 연고전. aka. the Yonsei-Korea U. Games.  I'll try to describe the event as best I can so here goes.  

The day started off with a journey to the stadium.  The first game: baseball.  As we entered the stadium appropriately dressed full of school spirit, the songs, dances and yelling were well underway.  For several weeks the respective clubs from each university had been gathering to practice the songs they would be singing over the next two days.  It was outrageous...  Hiro and I managed to grab Burger King between innings...

Next we filed over to the basketball stadium where the crowds were slowly building... but the music was already rock'n.  It seemed that the basketball game was a distant afterthought compared to the back and forth chanting and singing.  At this same time hockey was supposed to be getting underway in another location, however due to some referee complications the game was postponed indefinitely.  

After the basketball game.. which we lost, we found out that we had also lost the baseball game (which we left early so we could get seats for the basketball game).  Hmmm... Yonsei 0 - Korea - 2.  There's always day two right?  We decided that we should head out to 홍대 (Hongik University) to hit up a club and forget the days losses... The End (of day one)

Day two started a tad bit later than day one... at least for some of us, but of course, we were school spirited to the kilt.  I ended up missing rugby, which we lost, but made it to see soccer.  All of the games (except hockey) were held at Seoul Olympic Park.  Soccer was similar to the other sports... mucho singing and dancing, not as much focus on the actual game.  Tonight included more fireworks and louder yelling.
 The regulation time ended in a 0-0 tie.  Seeing as we were already down 3-0 at this point, the schools didn't see a need to go into overtime or have a shootout.  (What about for our pride!!!!! Oh well).  I figured that we would go back to 신촌 (Sinchon, where I live) for the infamous after party.. but all the students stormed the field and... yup... started singing and dancing some more!  

I could try to describe the after party... but it's something you have to see... I've thrown together some video and uploaded it to google... This is an experience I shall not soon forget.  FYI:  turn the volume down before you watch the video...


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