the road less traveled - a story i'd read

i figure in a day and time saturated with crappy reality shows, my life is as good as any... here goes.
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Well, its that time again, the much anticipated 12 hour flight back to
Seoul. As I sit here at San Francisco Intl awaitng the arrival of my
food, I can't help but look back at the past three weeks through a
sort of weird haze. It seems like I experienced so much, from
Christmas to the road trip, from many mornings at Parsons restaurant
to jamming out on Rock Band with rockstar, big love and the kids. Any
regrets? Sure, there several people I didnt get to spend any time with
and others I wish I could have spent more time with. I wish I could
have had some substantive advice for rockstar, or some more comforting
words for Julie. But in the end I enjoyed the overall experience.
Last night I ended up dropping by my grandmas house and taking her
some fruit (kind of a Korean thing) a couple bags of carmel coffee
flavored candies, and a small potted flower. As we sit there and
chatted (well for the most part she talked and I listened as best I
could) I couldn't help buy think about the short instance of time in
we we have to live our lives. In the short span of 75 or so years,
we're born, grow up, attempt to find and cling to meaningful
relationships, born little ones of our own, and try to leave a
meaningful impact on a broken world.
We end up messing up... A lot, and me probably more than most. But
somewhere along the way, by grace, we meet amazing people that pour
into our lives, we slow down long enough to have some wisdom imparted
and often without our knowing it and generally to no credit of out
own, we positively touch the live of others.
So here's to pouring, touching, learning and living... To the next six
months and all the changes they will bring.

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