the road less traveled - a story i'd read

i figure in a day and time saturated with crappy reality shows, my life is as good as any... here goes.
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Well, Yonsei's Intensive Korean Language level 2 is over, and it's on to level 3! Level 3 is different in several regards from the first two levels. First, in the first two levels, you switch instructors after midterms, in level 3 it's the same instructor all the way through. Next starting in level 3 you get to choose an elective. In level 3 there are four: reading, writing, speaking, listening. Beginning in level 4 you can choose to learn subjects like korean culture, food, and even hanja, Korea's ancient language and alphabet (this is the foundation of Chinese, Japanese and Korean).
The semester ended with a big bang. Actually it ended with hiking a hill behind Yonsei University.

You can tell the semester's over by all the smiles on people's faces.
The three men in the class... ;)

Teacher in the center, and yes, peace signs are still in...
Heading away from KLI and starting our hike...
Hiro got tired... Why's it always the big guy that has to do the grunt work? 
I've got enough weight to carry!

Group photo at the peak of our hike!

A shot of Namsan Tower, I'll be heading there in a few weeks, but here are some pictures of it from Building 63~

Found out there's a little gym at the top of the Yonsei Hill.  Seems the older folk like to go up there and do their thing.  I like the guy doing pushups in the back... Reminds me of Rockstar. and is that Teli in the orange?!

Next thing: I sent in a request to Duke Law for a one year deferment in order to take advantage of some really neat opportunities that have presented themselves here in Korea, including the ability to pursue the Korean language to a graduate proficiency level.  I received word back a few days ago... YES!  So it looks like I'll be here for about another year, studying the language, the culture, and Korea's new law school system!  Exciting stuff... I'm really excited because Duke has an amazing International Comparative Law program as well as some emphasis on National Security, both of which bring me happy thoughts!  I feel that this extra time in Korea will really help me broaden myself for both!!  I'll keep you posted on that as time goes on.  Who would have thought!?

Oh yea, almost forgot, been doing some reading lately and updated a blog to our dorky book club ;)  

This Post has 2 Comments

3/23/2008 11:31 AM

Dude, that makes me happy. Now if I get the Fulbright we will be in Korea at the same that sounds like a good time! Still don't find out for another few weeks but I will keep you posted.

3/28/2008 4:50 AM

Wow! Who would have guess it? That's cool, I guess I'll be coming to Korea sometime soon.

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