the road less traveled - a story i'd read

i figure in a day and time saturated with crappy reality shows, my life is as good as any... here goes.
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Now this is marketing!
Have you ever looked at a magazine ad or watched a commercial and thought, "man, now that's come clever marketing?"  I know that in the US, we pride ourselves on our innovative marketing skills.  Take Hersheys for example: Of course we're all familiar with the "Hershey's Kiss."  How brilliant was that?  Name a chocolate after something that boys and girls have pursued since the beginning of time and you've got a hit.  But they didn't stop there!  What goes better with kisses than hugs?!  And while I thought that the height of candy marketing genius, last week I found out that US companies might learn a thing or two from Lotte (롯데).  Lotte makes this cracker called Pepero (빼빼로).  They're basically thin cookie sticks covered in chocolate.  Well guess what November 11th is?  National.. YES NATIONAL Pepero day.  Why might you ask?  Because November 11th is 11-11 and that looks like 4 Peperos!  GENIUS!  Can you imagine if there was a National Kiss Day? or National NutterButter day?!  Where the entire point of the day is to buy people _____ (fill in the blank).  


The ball and chain... (Korean Culture)
So we learned in Korean class today that there are certain gifts that are generally reserved for girlfriends and spouses to give their man/men.  Specifically, neck ties and belts.  As the teacher was telling us this, my classmate Jason looks over at me as says, "that's as bad as getting socks for Christmas."  I have to agree.  But, it's actually much much worse.  Of course everything has symbolism, so what do these gifts symbolize?  OWNERSHIP!  Yup, the ol girlfriend buys you a tie because it's something she can drag you around by, and she buys you a belt so that she can grab a hold of it incase you try to run off.  Now while the "girls" will tell you it's actually more cute and affectionate than that, they're lying!  Just let a different girl buy you a tie and see how your girlfriend reacts!

On a side note, I ran across a pretty interesting article in the New York Times, the Headline:  Causes of Death Linked to Weight.

Now while you might immediately think that the article is going to be about how overweight people die from all sorts of crazy diseases and should immediately drop 1,000 pounds, what a series of recent studies have shown is quite different.

It appears that "overweight" people (not to be confused with "obese" people, actually have a lower death rate than other weight classes. It seems that overweight people "are much less likely to die from a grab bag of diseases that includes Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, infections andlung disease."

"The new study began several years ago when the investigators used national data to look at death risks according to body weight. They concluded that, compared with people of normal weight, the overweight had a decreased death risk and the underweight and obese had increased risk."

Hmmm.. Maybe I should ease of my new super "one day maybe I can look like Joe" exercise plan?

This Post has 5 Comments

11/09/2007 4:10 PM

why i am the exception for the translation ............why?is my skill of english,so bad?...:(
that makes me sad................
i will try to improve it .:(...
TIM(my neighbourhood brother)...

11/09/2007 6:07 PM

Actually there's English to Finnish online translator

I think it's really crappy one though, and even I can't make out anything of the translation but it sure is fun to try ^^

11/09/2007 9:49 PM

thanks for the pepero and coldstone~~~both of them are gonna make my face bigger and bigger...that's so bad....
anyway,i like them~~haha next time i only need to take photos beside u~~haha....bangbang mickey mouse~^_^

11/09/2007 9:55 PM

wait...not bad...i mean sad`~~~with much bigger face than brian....
but 괜찮아요~~we really had a good time tonight~~and i 've forgot the "naked issue"....both of the sweety things will come to my dream`^_^

11/13/2007 2:48 PM

so.... if you do look like Joe, you can take shots of liquor out of your hand dent BUT you have a greater risk of dying.

Pretty even toss up, if you ask me

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