Lunchtime: lunches at KLI are always hectic. If you arrive to the cafeteria even a minute late it could mean a 20 min delay in getting your food. Fortunatly I got here 5 mind early today so I'll be finished before these poor kids even get a peek at their lunches...
One who attends a school; one who learns of a teacher; one under the tuition of a preceptor; a pupil; a disciple; a learner; a student.
scholar. (n.d.). Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary. Retrieved January 20, 2009, from website:
i'm an aspiring lawyer, politician, superhero, changer of the world, righter of all things wrong, speaker, boyfriend, tutor, teacher, student, lover, son, brother, musician(somewhat), intellectual(although some would disagree), friend, servant, motivator, inspirer, instructor, leader, charmer, plower, doer of good deeds(and some not), writer, critic, offering, realtor, divisor of great plans, inventor, leader, groupie(of cigarbox), activist, super-villian (or some would claim) confidant, role model, thinker, philosopher, genius, intern, admirer, christian, apprentice, blogger, heir, volunteer...and most of these things, most of the time...
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